Create a Google Account with Work Email
You can associate your work email with Google in a few short steps. (Yes, even if you use Outlook). It will allow you to use Google Docs and other Google properties without affecting your work email.
Maybe you’ve been told someone couldn’t share a Google Doc or Sheet with you, or maybe you’re just used to giving a back up Gmail account in those instances.
It’s important to note that by doing this, you will NOT affect your work email at all. In fact, all you are doing is “registering” your work email with Google so you can use it to gain access to Google tools and websites.
Follow these simple steps to associate your work email with a Google Account:
- Visit
On the next few screens, Google will ask for personal information.

2. The next screen is important, and it is often overlooked, you do not want a new Gmail account, you want to Use your existing email, click there.

3. From here, you will enter your work / non-Gmail account, and Google will send you a verification code to validate it is really you.

4. Next you are going to create a password, add a backup phone number (optional), accept the Privacy & Terms agreement and you are off to the races!
From this point on, you will be able to use your work email to access Google programs, tools and assets!